Saturday, April 13, 2013

News from Honduras

Driving to my mom's yesterday afternoon my cell rings and I don't recognize the number but I answer anyway (and pull over because I don't talk or text while driving-- such a good girl!) and it's my sweetie! He was calling to let me know they had arrived safely and were at Terry and Alexandra's place, he'd had a nap and was getting ready to go see the work site. It was a short chat but I was thrilled to hear from him.

He said all was well, the Mattson's accommodations were great, a safe location and he was happy to be there. The one thing Bruce asked prayers for was for he and Dewey, his team mate, to be able to acclimate quickly-- especially to the high temp's so the work would not be impeded.

This afternoon Terry sent me a private message on Facebook that included a photo of my man. He looks pretty hot! The temperature there is in the high 80's while we are having freak snow storms here in the PNW! But he also looks happy. And that makes me happy too.

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