Friday, April 6, 2012


I am doing a series of posts on Embracing Change with specific leanings toward health and fitness. Interestingly enough I am seeing how these thoughts are tools I can use to apply to other areas of my life, such as my spiritual life. Welcome to the journey!

Now that we have identified the problem, the second step in embracing change is to Prioritize the problem.

Prioritizing requires us to stop and consider how this problem rates with other issues we might be dealing with in our lives right now. Ask yourself some questions... they might sound something like this:
> with my financial budget in such dire straights can I afford a gym membership?
> with small children at home and in need of constant attention, how can I find the time, let alone the energy for any kind of fitness program?
> will I make time to prepare healthy nourishing meals instead of the pre-packaged (and often more affordable) stuff I have in my pantry?
> will I be able to stick to an eating plan during holiday and family festivities/vacations?

 One of the things I picked up on over and over again in my years as the owner of a women's fitness center was that we women are so good at putting ourselves last. I think women really struggle to justify any time for themselves, much less for their health. What irony! If we don't take care of ourselves, we soon won't be able to take care of those we love! BUT when we make our health a priority-- or at least get it on our list of to-do's, we win, our family wins, our job wins, and so does our energy and our spirit.

So, here are today's questions as we prioritize the problem.

1. how will exercise and weight loss help you with other priorities you may have?

2. how will you rearrange your priorities so that nutrition and health can receive adequate attention?

3. list the ways that putting your health first will benefit you.

It is fitting that on this Holiest of Holy Days, we remember that our salvation was God's Greatest Priority, so much so that He sent His Only Son, to die for our sins so that we might be set free to live eternally. Some day I am going to live in heaven where I will have a new body that I believe will be healthy and whole. Until that day comes however, I have to work at getting-- and keeping-- this body in good shape so that I can serve in the way God wired me to serve.

May God speak to you this Good Friday... remember.... it's Friday but Sunday's Coming!

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thank you so much for taking time to read and comment! have a great day!