Saturday, March 31, 2012

when it rains, play with pictures

despite the rain, perhaps because of the rain, I impulsively purchased some pansies today. I have always loved pansies. their friendly little faces, the way they bend in the rain, stretch in the sunshine, and come back year after year to replenish the landscape with their gentle vibrant colors.

i planted them in the rain today too, replenishing the sad little window box that lost it's primroses during the winter cold snap.

and after you plant a few flowers, you simply must take pictures. and after you take pictures you simply must play with them at picmonkey. I tell you this site is so much fun!

raining even as the sun shines
Thank you God for this beautiful day!


  1. I love pansies, too. Though I gave a tray of them away the other day. I'd had them since October and hadn't planted them. I figured if they survived the winter, they deserve someone who will care for them!

    Love the pictures!

  2. Nice job! Love the pictures!


thank you so much for taking time to read and comment! have a great day!