Tuesday, December 6, 2011

The Power of Prayer

Today is a New Day and God's mercies are new too! 

I recently partnered with another woman to do 30 days of praying for our husbands. We are using the book "The Power of a Praying Wife" by Stormie Omartian and each day reading a chapter and praying the prayer at the end of it. I have used this book/prayer method many times over the years; this is the first time to do it in partnership with another wife. 

Here is what jumped out at me from today's reading (titled His Temptations)
"The enemy of our souls knows where our flesh is the weakest and he will put temptations in our paths at our most vulnerable points. The question is not whether there will be temptations, it is how we will handle them when they arise."

wow. I read this today and although I was reading it with praying protection for my husband in mind, I realized how true this is for me too. When I feel discouraged or frazzled or worried, those are my weak moments and I need to go into prayer mode big time to see God rescue me from bad choices. I prayed the prayer in the book, once for Bruce, then again for myself.

Yesterday was a worrisome, frazzling discouraging sort of day. And my MO is often to seek comfort or distractions by losing myself in mindless shopping..... ya, good ol' retail therapy has it's moments but what I sense God teaching me is to turn to Him for comfort not the things of this world that only bring temporary happiness. It's not the shopping that is the problem, it's the turning to that instead of turning to God.

trusty ol' Big Yellow-- how much longer will you last?
Today the problems we encountered yesterday are still with us. Bruce took Big Yellow into Les Schwabs this morning to have the brake work done. They assured us they will have it done by tonight and Bruce offloaded as many tools as he could think of so that the guys can work in the shop today. We should still be able to leave tomorrow-- maybe not at the crack of dawn like we had planned, but we should make Silverton (Oregon) by evening. So thankful for the options the Lord has led us to! And thankful that we were able to arrange to pay for at least half of the bill on installments rather than cough up the whole wad in one payment. Still very very thankful to have discovered these issues with the brakes and the tires BEFORE something bad happened, like driving down a freeway towing a trailer!!

So, girded by prayer, I have another full day of things to do. Another adventure to embark on. but today I will be ever mindful that I'm letting the Holy Spirit be my tour guide.

1 comment:

  1. I love this illustration of how we are blessed when we are selfless. You were praying for your husband, but look what you received.


thank you so much for taking time to read and comment! have a great day!