Tuesday, May 3, 2011

it's in the small stuff...

small groups.. home groups.....life groups... call it what you like but they are the stuff community is made of.

We have had the awesome privilege of being a small group with 2 other couples for about 6 or 7 years. We meet once a week and have done several different studies together... bible, book, DVD's. We have been together long enough to peel back the surface and go deeper into the layers that make us who we are. Transparency is the goal with growth and accountability and acceptance the offshoots. We have seen each other at our worst and our best and loved each other through both.

Bruce and I have also been parts of short term small groups a few time as we hosted Alpha in our home. We have enjoyed doing this and learned a lot about working together as co-leaders and about being obedient to the things  God asks of us from time to time. There is also the mission oriented group Bruce leads; kingdom builders-- they meet to work on projects together.

Tonight we attended a small group leaders appreciation meeting. It's nice to be appreciated but more than that we were spurred to take it to the next level. As we drove home we talked about our plans for hosting another Alpha in the fall at church. And about getting together with our previous Alpha attendees for reconnecting and encouragement. We would love to see more small groups-- more community-- being built in our area. We got excited as we talked; was this something God was calling us to next?  The idea of coordinating and facilitating more small groups in order for spiritual connections and growth to take place just seems so needed!

It will be an area for more discussion and prayer... but tonight, right now, we are both pretty jazzed about the possibilities!

Our pastor calls them LIFE groups because small groups can bring new life but it is also an acronym for Loving, Involved, Focus and Enjoyment-- the 4 different types of small groups our church has going. I like that.

Remember... some of the best things in life are in the small stuff! :)

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