Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Wonderful Wednesday

I truly love Wednesdays.
Middle of the week
half way to the weekend
for me, it's a working respite.

Going back to work after a long break, it has taken me a while to get 'back in the groove'. I work Monday and Tuesday, and Tuesday is a long day because of class in the evening. And I work Thursdays. Friday is often an errand day or an office day to catch up on whatever Bruce has been involved with. So knowing I have Wed. off is like seeing that warm glow of lights on the horizon after you have been driving all day along a bustling highway.

I love to not set the alarm clock and wake up when I am ready. (Sure I do that on Saturdays but doing it on a weekday feels so delicious because it's not expected like a Saturday is!)
I love to lounge in my jammies and have a second cup of coffee. Spend some time on Facebook, check my email, read the paper (on line), play with my cat, and watch the squirrel outside. All the things I don't have time for the other days of the week.

I don't know how those who work full time do it anymore. Seriously, I don't know how I did it!! Some people are hard wired for that life but, whew, I just don't have the bandwidth for full on intensity. I am such an introvert, desperately needing those down times after social interaction. Funny too how some things will drain me so much quicker than others.

So, I love my Wednesday. True we do have ALPHA class that we are teaching on Wed. pm's but that's hours away! For right now, another cup of coffee sounds more than delightful.....

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thank you so much for taking time to read and comment! have a great day!