Friday, September 24, 2010

I will Trust in You

trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding...  from Proverbs

like love, trust is a choice.
i don't understand
so i chose to trust you God.

decisions made, wise and worthy
we may not like them
but we have to live with them.

i dont understand
so i chose to trust you God.

you have a plan
and its always for good
you see the whole picture
while i only see one small speck

it hurts, this dissapointment
so i cry and i vent
but ultimately i give it over to you
because i have chosen to trust you God.

i am reminded too
that i do not cry alone
you who wept over Jerusalem
you understand how i feel
and now i think i understand how you must have felt...

but there is still hope
and i trust you.

1 comment:

  1. My sweet, beautiful friend... you are loved. not only by friends, family, your church family, your husband...but by our God in heaven. He loves you in all your weaknesses, all your successes and all your happiness and sadness. I know that you are fully aware of His love and that you love Him in return. So let this just be a reminder. You are not alone. My are loved. Lean on Him.
    always your friend...always,


thank you so much for taking time to read and comment! have a great day!