Saturday, June 19, 2010

Father to the Fatherless

Tomorrow is fathers day. I have the privilege of being married to a man who is a terrific father. I have watched him for 16 years as he has loved and nurtured his son into adulthood. He was a single dad for many years and did an outstanding job! Joey is one very amazing young man.

I also have had to opportunity to witness Bruce be a father to the fatherless. We have had many young people in our lives over the years... boy scouts and youth groups made sure of that. And some of those young men, troubled and wounded, have spent nights  crashed on our couch, lived with us for a period and still show up from time to time just to say  "hey".

These boys had dads... but they were either emotionally distant, abusive, or apathetic about their sons, a heart break for both the boy and for us to see. Bruce always had time to listen, to talk, to encourage, pray, scold, and love.

I still remember the time we came home  and found some of the Deming Posse (the gang's name for themselves) hanging out in our living room, acting kinda suspicious. We discovered they had been watching a porn movie! the movie went in the trash, the boys were given a fierce talking to and told they could not hang out at our house for a time. (reverse grounding) well those boys were properly ashamed of what they had done. they respected Bruce's reprimands and we didn't see them at our home for some time.... until a few weeks later at Easter. those boys all showed up at the Easter Sunrise Service, with us. their way of saying they were sorry in word and deed. nice to know Bruce's discipline made an impression on them. Bruce loved them enough to tell them when they had done wrong.

Bruce also tried his best to be a step-dad to my daughter... who gave him a run for his money and despite some pretty rocky times, I think she does feel love and gratitude to him for being firm, being honest and being real. He was there for her in ways her dad was not.

the topic at church this weekend has to do with Dads. Being fathers to the fatherless. James 1:27 tells the men to care for the widows and the orphans. I am so proud of my husband for taking that verse to heart.

Happy Father's Day Bruce. I love you!

Bruce with Joey ~ Fathers Day 2009

1 comment:

  1. What a sweet tribute to a deserving man...he has a wonderful wife who is a loving help-mate too!


thank you so much for taking time to read and comment! have a great day!