Monday, December 18, 2017

it was a terrible horrible no good very bad day

Dear brothers and sisters, when troubles of any kind come your way, consider it an opportunity for great joy

I suppose it really started last night.


While my beloved slumbered next to me, blissfully unaware of his melodious offerings, I tossed and turned. Finally, against my better judgement (but who has good judgement at 2 in the morning?) I took a sleep aid. So of course I was completely out of it come 6 am alarm clock time. I slept through my sweeties good bye kiss, through the second alarm and, oh look, 2 missed phone calls!
At 9 am as I was struggling to even sit up the doorbell rang. Now, normally I'd ignore it. But, we had insulators coming to blow insulation into the attic so I had to let them in. There was no time to try and look presentable so.... pajamas and night hair would have to do.

Pretty sure I traumatized the young man who stood at my front door.

Now upright, I made a desperate trek to the coffee pot. Thank God, literally, for coffee. As I balanced my coffee and a breakfast bar in one hand, my phone in the other I noticed how tight my low back was. I noticed because I tried to sit down in my chair and I couldn't. Yah, my back does this from time to time. It's always worse first thing in the morning and usually takes about 30-60 minutes of gentle movement to unknot and allow flexibility. No worries, I can drink and eat standing up.
Of course coffee usually motivates other things to move. That's when it started getting nasty.

When your toilet backs up first thing in the morning, you might decide to just go back to bed. Because have you ever tried using a toilet plunger when your back will not let you bend?? But fast advancing water, nasty nasty water, will force you to push through the pain barrier. 
Then, adding insult to injury, the stupid plunger broke while plunging. And let me tell you, there was NO WAY I was going after whatever little piece just fell into the bowl!

Dear brothers and sisters,when troubles of any kind come your way, consider it an opportunity for great joy... 

I don't know about that....

Finally, crisis averted, back throbbing I hobbled back to the living room where I discovered the cat had projectile vomited his breakfast all over the carpet.
When your cat throws up, you might just decide to go back to bed.

Dear brothers and sisters,when troubles of any kind come your way, consider it an opportunity for great joy...

Ever wanna tell James to just be quiet? 

When my husband called to reply to the text I sent him about needing a new plunger, he asked me to relay a message to the insulators. Oh dear. I was still in my pj's with uncombed hair and now a surly attitude.

Pretty sure I traumatized the other guy on the insulation team.

From there, the day seemed to even out. I went for a walk hoping some gentle movement might bring about relief. It did somewhat. I was able to get some laundry going, some dishes washed and the floor swept. Never mind the tidy little dust piles here and there. I'll finish sweeping those up later.

The big chore awaiting me was of course the bathroom. That floor wasn't gonna mop itself.

Around 1pm I was finally able to take a nice hot shower. And the day seemed better. I forgot about the troubles from this morning. The cat had calmed down, the insulators were done and gone and I was able to sit for short periods of time.

Then,  I went to the post office.

I have been having horrendous issues with package deliveries of late. Blame it on the holidays but it seems Fed Ex has one set of rules for package deliveries, UPS another and then USPS has another set. None are the same and mess up just one and you don't get your package. I've had just about enough grief from lost packages, returned packages, packages arriving demanding postage due in crazy amounts. Today was no exception. I might do a separate post on this as it deserves its own special venting session. For now, I'm sipping some sugar free hot chocolate spiked with Peppermint infused vodka. Because it's 5 O clock and I'm done. 

And, I have a verse to meditate on.

Dear brothers and sisters,when troubles of any kind come your way, consider it an opportunity for great joy. For you know that when your faith is tested, your endurance has a chance to grow. So let it grow, for when your endurance is fully developed, you will be perfect and complete, needing nothing. James 1.2-4 NLT

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