Thursday, September 20, 2012

Good Morning World

I was pretty much toast when I went to bed last night. A day with my mom usually will do that. (OK-- the glass of wine helped too)

Hubby 'let me' sleep in this morning as he was meeting the guys for breakfast. It's a rare treat to sleep in on a weekday. It was a little after 8 before I tumbled out of bed and down the stairs. Oh, wait, I did NOT tumble down the stairs. No, no-- that would not have been safe! But with my little black shadow following at my heels, it's a wonder I didn't tumble. Toddy likes to be close by, if he thinks it means I will refill his bowl. ;)

So, as I sit here, sipping more coffee and listening to the sounds of the world outside my door (excavators on the road, as new cable is being buried on our street) (school children yelling across the campus) (logging trucks barreling down the highway) (state highway patrol car; siren's blaring-- probably chasing the logging truck) Despite the various aches and pains of  my body waking up, I am feeling grateful for another new day.

When Bruce and I first started keeping steady company, I was impressed with a phrase I heard in his prayers on more than one occasion:  "Thank you Lord for the promise of this new day." It was a simple, yet heart felt utterance that conveyed much.

A thank you to the Creator for all that we have.

The Promise of this new day.

Thinking about that, it always makes me smile....
 ...and remember the verse: the steadfast love of the Lord never ceases, His tender mercies are new every day. Great is His faithfulness.  (Lamentations 3:22-24)

I know this is what keeps me going each day. Even when my body protests about getting up and putting one foot in front of the other. Even though coffee is what I jokingly say 'saves my life every day'. Even though the love of my husband -- and yes, my cat-- make me feel treasured and needed (or kneaded, in Toddy's case)  it really boils down to this: Faith in the One True God. The God who sustains me and gives me life.

This morning our friend Michael's obituary appeared. I read it and wept  even as I rejoiced over a life well lived. (you can read it here-- and even though you may not know this man, this is one amazingly beautiful obit and worth the time to read) I suppose losing this dear man has me in a most reflective mood this week but I think the wrap up on posting my novel on This Robyn's Nest and reliving some of those moments from my past has me reflective too. Spending time with my mother, knowing she won't always be with us, that's pause for reflection as well. And certainly standing on the brink of a new career, at the tender age of 50something, makes me think.

I think about my son and my daughter and the miles that separate us. I think about the many many ways I wish I could do motherhood over -- and better-- but I can't. I can only go forward and keep striving to make what I have with each of them into something we can each treasure.

Thank you Lord for the promise of THIS new day.

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thank you so much for taking time to read and comment! have a great day!