Monday, July 30, 2012

I've Got Prayers

Prayer Requests really.

it seems like an endless list so I am so grateful that Jesus doesn't limit how many there are.

... for a friend who said good bye to her children who have headed off on a missionary adventure...
... for a family member dealing with the crushing pain of a lost relationship...
... a friend has a medical test this morning and there are so many needs tied up with this that I don't even know where to begin except ask God to heal...
... for a new prayer team launching at our church...
... for fall worship services schedule and logistics to be worked out...
... for my heart and attitude to adjust over the change in hubby's work choices...
... for a young couple I dearly love who struggle to make good choices in marriage, parenting, life....
... an upcoming interview for a new job and for the outcome to bring me peace... and joy....
... financially needs.... for many many many people..... including us....
... class reunion this coming weekend... for connections and renewal of friendships, for opportunities to shine the light of Jesus to others....
... many who are struggling with physical pain....
... a broken heart...
... hubby's work and for contentment and joy to supersede all else in whatever happens....
... for a greater sense of purpose in whatever I do...
... for my grandchildren... that list is long and detailed so I am glad God knows the unspoken thoughts of my heart and mind....

and as I write and ponder, that beautiful song that came out by Amy Grant a year or so ago, is flitting through my mind and I am so glad that God does indeed read our thoughts and that to Him our tears, our sorrows our pain, sometimes IS better than a Hallelujah.


  1. Thank you for praying not only for me but, for so many others. I love ya friend.


thank you so much for taking time to read and comment! have a great day!