Sunday, September 18, 2011

just waiting

Sunday morning. Coffee. Breakfast. Shower. Dress. Wait.

We are going to the 11 am service at church today and we awoke fairly early for a Sunday morning. The rain drizzling outside was what woke me up and then the heavy pressure on my legs followed by gentle kneading. Yes. The cat. >^;^< telling me he wanted breakfast. now.

So once all those little morning chores were out of the way it was only 9:30.... more than an hour before we need to leave for church. Kind of nice to not be rushed. To have time to think about where we are going and why. A sort of spiritual inventory and reflecting time. 

There is a church picnic in the park after second service. Our good bye to the summer season and the kick off to all the fall programs. Youth group, small groups, new sermon series, adult classes.... And it's raining. Not a very nice thing to do on a picnic day! But as I wrote on my facebook status this morning: who needs the sun when we have the SON shining down on us.

so true. so true.

and look.... I think I see a break in the clouds!

1 comment:

  1. I just love your attitude about life! You just take such pleasure out of all things and I find it enjoyable to read whatever you write because of it!


thank you so much for taking time to read and comment! have a great day!