"Saturdays should be like an old denim shirt." I said this morning to Bruce as we sat on our front porch sipping coffee in the sunshine.
(Except he thought I said "...like an old Deming shirt." and was trying to figure out which of his shirts looked like our little town of Deming.)
But really. I have an old denim shirt and it's awesome! It's large enough to hang loose. It's soft from many washings. It's light weight and easy to wear. I don't have to worry about spills because it already has paint stains in a couple of places. I can roll up the sleeves and get to work if I need to. It will fit over other clothing. It is comfortable and comforting. It's the perfect Saturday shirt and it is a perfect example of what Saturdays should be like.
So today, I put my old denim shirt over my P.J.'s and basked in the morning sun as I sipped my special brew and chatted with my sweetie about our plans for this day. I love Saturdays and all they are intended to be. A day to catch up on sleep. A day to enjoy a second cup of coffee without feeling rushed or guilty. Time for contemplation. No hurries, no worries. Pancakes with fresh strawberries for breakfast. A dump date* with my sweetie! I think I'll wear my old denim shirt.
* dump date: a day where we take a load of garbage to the dump. it may not sound romantic but it's a measure of uninterrupted time together that always seems to spark deep conversations. Maybe it's the subconscious thought of hauling away the old junk to make room for fresh and new that causes the reflective conversations. Whatever the case, we have a lot of fun doing it.
Hi Robyn:) My name is Kathy and I was clicking through other of the Faithful Blogger sites and ran upon yours. I can tell you something funny about OUR trips to the dump :) I always knew that no matter how much went to the dump....there would be some things come back! My husband loves to take somebody else's "nothing" and make "something" out of it :) Thanks for the post.