Friday, July 1, 2011


 I don't usually post something someone else has written, preferring to come up with my own stuff (good or bad) but I stumbled across this stroke of genius and it really resonated with me.... I am not sure who penned it officially as the source is simply listed as  'Self Help Daily'. 

Think about your flashlight for a minute. I’ll bet you haven’t thought about it in a while. If you’re like me, you probably aren’t even sure you have one. Even if you know you have one, you may not know if it has batteries or not.

Who can blame us, really? The only time we think about flashlights is when we really need them – when we’re standing in absolute darkness, wondering how we’re going to get anywhere.

In this regard, the flashlight has a lot in common with faith, doesn’t it? We often don’t realize how important it is to us until the darkness and the storms come our way. THEN we know just how important it is and we’re twelve kinds of happy that we have our faith to call upon.

It’s wise to keep a flashlight near and to make sure that it’s batteries are charged and ready for service. But it’s even more important to keep your faith strong by keeping your relationship with God “charged” (by prayer, Bible reading, meditation..) and ready for service. Then, when darkness rolls in or the storms of life show up on our doorstep, we’ll have the One that can truly light the way.
– Self Help Daily

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for passing this along! There's nothing wrong with paying it forward when you find something great like this out in the cloudzone. Found you through your comment on Ada's "Of Woods and Words." I really like your Faith-centered blog; this and the sidebars are the first things I've seen so far, but that's enough to tell me that you are one awesome lady. :) Countless blessings to you!


thank you so much for taking time to read and comment! have a great day!