Thursday, June 30, 2011

happy places

we all need 'em. a happy place.
the place we go to when things seem a little overwhelming.
when the world feels like it's against you.
when you can't take one more
or frustration.

for some of us it's
a walk in the country
or sticking our toes in the sand
or sipping something rich and velvety under a blanket of stars.

some of us find our happy places
between the pages of a good book
or in retail therapy.
for some of us it's food.




creativity is
one of my happy places.
as a kid, give me some crayons and a piece of paper and
I was content.
as an adult, just give me my laptop...
I'll either play with power point or the blog
or write.

right now it feels like life is kinda crazy.
dealing with things like dr appointments and paperwork.

do you know how it feels to
have one of the places you need to call be the funeral home
to start talking about prepaid funeral plans--
not because someone is terminally ill but
because we need to dispose of assets
so we can get the financial help we need
to cover mom's medical expenses.
I need to go to my happy place.

Lately the color ORANGE makes me really happy.
And looking at the sheets covering the kitty's bed: cows jumping over the moon.
the little yellow stars in the wallpaper border make me smile.
flip flops.
smelly good lotions
and the scent of vanilla in anything!!

my favorite song coming on the radio just moments after I was humming it to myself.
my husband, lunch pail in one hand, coffee mug in the other, coming back in the house for just one more kiss before he leaves for work....

rich coffee with a hint of cinnamon and cream, cream cream.
(did you know if you sprinkle cinnamon on your coffee grounds you will get a pot of coffee that makes even the cheapest coffee taste gourmet?)

a soft sweater, blanket and place to land...
the promise of sunshine after the rain
birds chirping
girls giggling
not being put on hold when you call a business
bing cherries
strawberries fresh from a road side stand
and the surprise of pansies popping up in places you don't remember planting them.

happy places....
the back porch swing
shade and breeze on a hot day
iced tea and cold beer
flirty gauzy skirts and a clean white t-shirt.

the train whistle
the ice cream truck!
the squeak of the brakes that tells me my husband is home!

an idea
splashes of color
and freedom!

yes we all need a happy place to go to...
whether we walk there or we go in our mind...
that happy place is what keeps us sane...

the mind is a photo album full of pictures, tastes and smells.

where do you go to for your happy place?

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