Friday, June 3, 2011

The Write Perspective

Oh Joy of Joys, I have been writing all week... journaling, emailing, blogging, fictionalizing and loving every minute of it! For such a long long time all my pens were out of ink and the pencils broken and my muse was on strike and a piece of me curled up and nearly died inside of me. But Day of Hallelujah when the inspiration and desire to return to the page and write, write, write came back!

Yes, there was a period in my life when I could not write. No matter how hard I tried and no matter how desperate I was to create, it wasn't happening. It wasn't writers block as much as a dried up well. I had used my writing to escape from the hell my life had become but when the person who was making my life hell forced me to destroy the very words that were giving me life... well, yes. something died.

There is something incredible soothing about stringing words together into sentences into something that makes you smile and breathe in deep and sit back and say: wow, look what I just said! For me the pen has always been mightier than the words  sword (no let's stick with words-- its got all the same letters just arranged differently is all and in my case I don't like swords but I do love words!!!)

I love to read and I love to write. The reading entertains and feeds me. Writing feeds me deeply. Blogging has given me a powerful outlet, as has FaithWriters . Knowing someone else is reading your words can be a vulnerable thing but the feedback is such a gift! Whether its a positive remark or a corrective suggestion, it can make my whole day! (a negative comment can leave me fretting for days however and I am working on getting over that.)

Sometimes I write without anything to say but I do it anyway because it often takes me to a place I didn't know I  was going and when I get there I discover some good stuff.

These beautiful reminders came to me this morning in my Quiet Time. I will close this post with them, choosing to embrace the positive no matter what may lay on the other side. Happy Friday!

Forgetting the past and looking forward to what lies ahead. Phil 3.13b

Fix your thoughts on what is true and honorable and right. Think about things that are pure and lovely and admirable. Think about things that are excellent and worthy of praise. Phil. 4.8

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