Does anyone remember this old old country song... "please release me, let me go.... I don't love you anymore..." wow, it was sad but what country song wasn't?
I have a feeling this is what Toddy would be singing if cat's could sing. Between the cast/splint on his little leg and being confined to the bedroom or a a leash, he is already giving me these looks that say "seriously? I can't just go free?"
Well, Toddy, you could. but it wouldn't be good for you. You need the structure and confines to help you heal.
As if he really understands me when I say this.
I watch him shake his leg thinking he will rid himself of the splint. When the bedroom door is closed he goes repeatedly up to it meowing and clawing at it thinking this time the door will open. When he is in the halter and on a leash-- allowing him to enjoy the fresh air on the back deck and yet still be limited in how far he can wander-- he pulls to the end of the leash, straining, then flops on his side disgusted... rests and tries again.
I watch him with a rueful smile and shake my head but truthfully I am no smarter than my cat when it comes to sin and trying to walk in the path of righteousness. I commit the same sin over and over again-- plus a lot of other ones!! I resolve that I am not going to do 'that' again and what happens? I walk the right path for a time.... and soon find myself right back in the ditch of my old ways.
God, you must get so weary of watching me struggle with this over and over again. Yet each time I come to you sorry and seeking your forgiveness what do you do but gather me in your arms and give me the mercy I so need but also do not deserve.
This morning I was reading 1 John 1. If we say we have fellowship with God but continue to dwell in darkness, we deceive ourselves. (paraphrase mine) And I think I also deceive myself every time I think I can get back on the right path and stay there.
I can't. Not in my own strength.
I think if I was really smart I would appreciate having a halter and a leash on me, to keep me from going too far in the wrong direction. Well, in some respects I do have a halter and a leash... I have God's Word to guide me and the Holy Spirit to convict and correct me.
Eventually Toddy will get the splint removed from his leg and my mom will get the cast removed from hers. They will be able to walk with little or no restrictions. I know they will both be pleased about that! Eventually I will live in a place where sin has no reign and I will never wander into darkness again. But until that day...
God, please re-leash me, don't let me go.
Poor little Toddy. Our cat Woods had some complications from his neutering/declawing last year and he had to wear a cone for 6 weeks. Grumpy cats are really not fun to be around--here's hoping the time goes by quickly for you and Toddy!