Sunday, June 19, 2011

Father's Day and ...

No deep thoughts or life changing comments today... just randomness about dads.

We leave to Tall Timber today! Yippee! I am taking a few moments this morning to write while I also watch my sweet husband pack. I am glad to know some one else agonizes over what to take. Packing shouldn't be so hard.

It's also Father's Day... My dad passed away several years ago. Bruce's dad and step-dad are both gone as well. Because we have been making the trek to Tall Timber for almost every year of our marriage and because our departure day always falls on Father's Day, it's been quite a long time since Bruce and his son Joey have spent the 'official' day together. But they have a very loose and comfortable relationship-- one that isn't dependent on spending specific times together. They talk often on the phone and for the last couple of months have been working on a remodel project together: getting ready for the big change in Joey's life-- that's right, Joey will soon be a Father too!

I am thankful for the father relationship I have witnesses through my husband and his love for his son and for my children and for dozens and dozens of kids that have come through our doors over the years. Bruce was a sunday school teacher, youth group leader and boy scout leader. That's a lot of kids!

I loved my dad and I miss him but we were not always close. I don't listen to songs like "Butterfly Kisses" or "Dance with My Cinderella" and get all misty eyed and choked up. But I have lots of good memories of playing 'kick the can' in the warm dusk of summer or riding on the tractor or helping milk cows or hiking, swimming and camping-- all with my dad.

When I reflect on the Father Figures in my life I can't help but think about how they helped shape how I perceive my Heavenly Father. Some of that has been negative-- God as heavy handed, judgmental and formidable; can I, do I, really trust Him? I think of all the father-child relationships I've witnessed, my husband has given me the clearest, truest glimpses of how God loves us. So, thank you my sweetie, for showing me the Father's Love.

1 comment:

  1. My dad passed away several years too. Today I found myself thinking more about my Heavenly Father's love for me. It helped me from becoming sad today.

    Hope you have a wonderful vacation!


thank you so much for taking time to read and comment! have a great day!