Wednesday, May 25, 2011

The Dream Girls

You sit around a table together one a week for 8 plus months and something happens. For the whole school term of Dream Realization School, these ladies were my table mates but they quickly became so much more than that as we shared and bared our hearts and souls. We laughed together, we cried together, we shared, we cared, we prayed. What a gift!

Last night we had a reunion-- one month+ after graduation... we were missing a few ladies but wow, what a couple of hours we had! Rich in conversation, insights, encouragement and love.

Women need women. That heart connection that just doesn't happen with our spouse no matter how deep the love and how rich the understanding between us. Men love us but they don't always "get: us. And that's okay... because I have my gal-pals, my dream girls!

Each one of us unique and special. Each with our own baggage (accessorized, of course) and our own way of doing things.  Some of us as different as night and day, and ranging in age and experience. We all are in different stages of our lives.... retirement, motherhood, wedding preparations, careers, mid-life what next's (refuse to call it crisis) it's all wonderful.

Each one of these ladies makes me feel special to be called their friend. Who know when we first met that we'd go to this level of friendship, trust, transparency. Oh, yah, God did. And so he gifted us with each other.

Here's to the Dream Girls... may we have many more heart-to-hearts around the table.

1 comment:

  1. I love the way you made baggage a positive thing in this post and I completely agree with you on girlfriends! I learned early the importance of girlfriends when I attended an all-girls school high school :)


thank you so much for taking time to read and comment! have a great day!