Sunday, March 13, 2011

Book Report

Just finished reading Kimberly Smith's book, "Passport Through Darkness".

This book should cause shock, outrage and change. if it doesn't... then check your pulse. One review says that Kimberly voluntarily walks through hell as she tirelessly wages war against human trafficking. Here is a excerpt from her bio:

Kimberly Smith was an average American churchgoer, wife, and mother—until she dared to ask God His dreams for her life. Traveling around the world and deep into the darkness of her own heart, Kimberly’s worst fears collided with her faith as she and her family discovered the atrocities of human trafficking. But it was in that broken place that a self-centered life was transformed into an international effort to save thousands from modern-day slavery, persecution, disease, and genocide.

I read this book in two evening sitings. I did not want to put it down, yet I had to so I could have some time to digest everything I was taking in. The book is not so much about what is going on in Darfur (although it is central to the book) as it is about Kimberly's personal journey to discover what God has designed her for.

We were all created by God for a special purpose. You were put here to do what no one else can. I must do my part just as you must do yours.

If you find yourself questioning just what it is exactly you were designed for, I encourage you to go deeper with asking the question. Take some classes that will help you define your personality type, your skills and abilities, your passions. Sometimes knowing you are, oh, I don't know, an introverted sanguine otter, for example, can really help in determining who or what you want to work with, what exactly you want to do in that area and how you will go about doing it.

Understanding my personal wiring helped me extend some extra grace to myself and it helped my husband understand me even more. It wasn’t so much that the classes and tests defined me per say; it just gave me a better barometer with which to navigate life.

And, you could always, like Kimberly L Smith dared to do, ask God to show you what it is He created you to do.

Oh, and if you can, come join us March 25 and 26th for an interactive workshop with Kimberly at North County Christ the King Church. She won't drag you back to Sudan, and neither will God!  But you may discover some things about your own heart that will change you-- for the better.. and there is nothing wrong with that!

By the way, the introverted sanguine otter example? Ya, that would be me.

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thank you so much for taking time to read and comment! have a great day!