Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Crumbs for the Dogs

Today in my Quiet Time with God I was reading from Mark 7: 24-37.  The passage that caught my attention was the first part of Mark 7; The exchange that takes place between Jesus and the Gentile Woman. She begs Jesus to heal her daughter who is possessed by an evil spirit. Jesus says "First I should help my own family, the Jews. It isn't right to take food from the children and throw it to the dogs."

At first blush it would seem Jesus was pretty blunt-- even rude. I mean, did he just compare her to a dog?

I didn't know what to make of this for the longest time. So, like many passages of scripture that I don't understand, I would skip over it. Not today.

Digging deeper, I think that Jesus is intent on getting his disciples 'fed' (taught) before his time is up. This woman came at him like a begging dog at the dinner table. And she, with her snappy comeback (I like that about her!) says basically, "hey what ever it takes to get my daughter healed" (I like that about her too)

How grateful I am that I don't have to beg (but I would if I had to) for Jesus to pay attention to me. How grateful I am that He doesn't view me as an interruption, but a welcome presence.
I just need to come with faith, confidence and sometimes persistence, that Jesus will hear my prayers and help me-- whether I 'qualify" or not.

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