Friday, December 3, 2010

Welcome December

The official count down has begun. Yes, now that December is here, we start ticking off the days.... no, not to Christmas, silly... to my birthday!

Yes, I am one of those.  Born in the month of December, where my birthday often got lumped with Christmas, I used to get a little obnoxious about my day. I wanted gifts wrapped in birthday wrap not holiday wrap. Cards that say 'merry birthmas' did not count. one big gift that came as 'your birthday/christmas gift in one' made me pout.

I have gotten better. Mellowed. Matured. But there is still, very much, a little girl in my heart who loves the birthday fuss. My sweet husband on the other hand... well, his birthday falls on the week between Christmas and New Years. He is the middle child in a family of 5 sib's.  He has gotten 'used to' being overlooked, he says. I just shake my head... I will never 'overlook' him and I will never willingly embrace being overlooked myself.

I love birthdays! The anticipation... the surprises... the celebration!

And then, I think about the best birthday of all... that of our Savior. 
God sent us His Christmas Gift to the world, wrapped not in holiday papers and ribbons, but in swaddling clothes. He did not put his present under a festive tree, but in the arms of a young woman.
But I think Jesus wants us to remember his Resurrection more than his birthday. Even as we celebrate His Birthday-Christmas, I want to encourage all of us, to also remember what He came to earth for... to die for our sins, to be raised from the dead, to give us victory over sin and death so we can live eternally with Him. 

I look forward to celebrating my birthday... and Christmas... but this year I want to spend a little more time focusing on the real gift of Christmas... Salvation. 

1 comment:

  1. I understand you and having a birthday so close to CHRISTmas! Jack's bday is the Monday and we are having the party here, so yeppers... no tree will be going up until afterwards!
    I am sure it was hard growing up and trying to have it feel special...:(
    I hope to see you and wish you a happy birthday in person and treat ya to a cup of coffee too!

    p.s. Loving the new look of your blog1



thank you so much for taking time to read and comment! have a great day!