Saturday, November 4, 2017

Hello November, Hello.... Winter??

I do love me a gorgeous Autumn. My favorite color is October.

 November rolls around and we think we are just getting into the depths of fall.

The colors have exploded during the month of October and by November have all but exhausted themselves.

 The piles of leaves lining the roadsides and yards proved a thick carpet of colors while the trees are almost bare.

 The sun, while not as hot as it was in August, shines brilliantly. You soak up every minute, relishing these halcyon days of Autumn.  

And just when you think Indian Summer will last forever, it snows. 

It snows?? Yes. It snows. Probably one of the earliest I can recall. It sure looks pretty. But I will miss those perfect Autumn days.

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thank you so much for taking time to read and comment! have a great day!