There is something about being outdoors that soothes and energizes like nothing else. Perhaps it's the invigorating aroma of earth and trees, the feel of sun, wind or rain on your face. Perhaps its the sight of towering mountains, swaying trees, rugged crags and tiny wildflowers growing out of tundra. It might be the glimpse of a mountain goat, or the sound of the ptarmigan or a marmot's whistle.
For me personally, it's the combination of all those things and more. The very idea that God in all His Glory created this world by speaking it into being! And then created man that he might enjoy it with God.
As the psalmist said:
"When I consider the work of Your heavens, the work of Your fingers, the moon and the stars which you have ordained; What is man that You take thought of him? And the son of man that You care for him? Yet You have made him a little lower than God, and You crown him with glory and majesty! You make him to rule over the works of Your hands; You have put all things under his feet." Psalm 8. 3-6
Sunday afternoon.
Our goal: Ptarmigan Ridge.
We got a late start and we knew we would not have time to hike the whole trail out and back (10 miles RT) but still, getting out there even for a little ways was worth the effort.
our friend Terry joined us for this hike |
Having done the Chain Lakes Trail the month previous for our overnight backpacking adventure, the first mile was like visiting an old friend. An Old Friend indeed watched us as we walked.
Mt. Baker beckons |
At the Chain Lakes/Ptarmigan Ridge intersection we took a short break for water and cookies. Then with eagerness we set off down a new to us trail!
Because this year has been incredible dry for our Pacific Northwest, the lack of snow made the trek much easier than traversing ice fields would be! Still, I seem to have developed a fondness for trekking poles.
trekking poles really do make a difference! |
The vastness of sky and mountain range is overwhelming in raw beauty and grandeur. How can I not hum "How Great Thou Art" when standing on this overlook?
O Lord My God when I in awesome wonder, consider all the world thy hands have made |
Another break here for more water and more snacks. Because, whats a hike if you can't have some trail mix?
It was here we decided it was time to turn around. Coleman Pinnacle would have to wait for another day.
From this vantage point we could see the trail we'd hiked in on. I gain a deeper appreciation with the birds eye view!
How beautiful are the feet...
on the mountain!
kind of fun to have someone else take a picture of our feet for us! |
We took our time hiking. None of us are speedy hikers. I simple must have time to take pictures and also time for truly appreciating the view. It is often in nature that I can lower my barriers and feel more relaxed and open to hearing God speak.
the love-burkes on the trail |
The slow sinking sun brought rich golden tones to the rolling mountains.
The Mt. Baker Wilderness Area is indeed a wild, unpredictable, exhilarating expansion of adventures waiting to happen.
I'm so grateful for every opportunity we have to take advantage of the adventures!
O Lord, our Lord, how majestic is Your name in all the earth!
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