Monday, August 20, 2012


me with the lovely Melody Mae

I know I have posted on the gift of friendship before but when the gift is as delightful as this, it bares repeating!

Oh, how we need our girlfriends.

I consider myself a pretty solitary person at this stage of the game. Happy in my own company and content with doing things by myself, there is a tendency to hermit a wee bit too much.....

and that's why days like today are such fresh wind for my sails!

That class reunion I went to a couple weeks ago really spurred a renewal of friendships for so many of us.
I think we might have not been expecting this. I know I wasn't.

I was looking forward to seeing old familiar faces but I figured once it was over, we'd settle back into the lives we live now until the next reunion rolled around. But how delightful to rediscover each other and want to continue to connect and re-build old friendships and even spark some new ones!

I love this girl! One of my besties from high school!

Our gracious hostess for the day

her amazing front porch view....

A day in the company of other women, laughing, whispering, sharing secrets, venting and drawing encouragement from one another.... seeds were sewn awhile ago, and a beautiful garden is blooming again.


  1. Lovely pix & thots, especially about the garden beginning to bloom again. It's encouraging to consider that what might look dead has seeds below the surface ready to sprout.

  2. Those are so beautiful smiling faces,ENJOY the sisterhood it is hard to come by!

  3. It was SO much fun and VERY relaxing to spend the day with you and the other 'girls' . :)


thank you so much for taking time to read and comment! have a great day!