Tuesday, April 24, 2012

What's Stopping You?

or perhaps I need to ask what's stopping ME?

This morning in my Quiet Time, as I read from 1 Corinthians, chapter 7, this little scrap jumped out at me in a powerful way: happiness or sadness or wealth should not keep anyone from doing God's Work. (verse 30, NLT)

I think sometimes I stop actively working for God because I allow myself to be stymied by the physical and the emotional. "I am too frail to do those kind of physical tasks." "I am too depressed." "I don't have the money."
But this verse reminds me of the marriage vows we make about in good times or bad, for better or worse, in sickness and in health. And my relationship with God is like a bride to her husband, making a vow to follow Him and be open to serving Him however He sees fit.

Even financial issues are no excuse for doing what God has planned for me. I already know first hand how if God wants us to go on a mission trip (that will require excess funding,) HE makes it happen! And there is PLENTY for me to do in my life that does not require me to go on a mission trip; my mission is where ever God places me. And that could be at Curves, church, the post office, the grocery store, coffee shop, facebook or my blog.

This morning I also saw a blurb on my facebook wall to join a group that friends of ours have pioneered, to go to Costa Rica this Dec. for Christmas to help finish work on an orphanage. (http://abina-project-ministries.blogspot.com/)
And it jumped out at me just like the little scrap of scripture. it grabbed me like Bruce's email last year about going to serve in Japan. I texted my husband and I am sure I startled the spit out of him by saying "Lets go to Costa Rica this Dec. with ABINA ministries"  Yah, just like that. Scares the spit out of me too!

My dear friend Melody Mae, on her blog of the same name, is always encouraging us to shine out lights and not let life pass up by but make the most of every moment. And Paul, in his letter to the Corinthians is basically saying the same thing.

There really isn't a good excuse for not living out the purpose for which we were designed now is there?

Let's GO!


  1. That's the way to grab life by the horns and hang on!

  2. Excellent Robyn!! I am so proud of my dear friends! Obedience unlocks God's power!!!!.

  3. Thanks dear friend for the shout out! :) I love your faithfulness to our Lord. Even in financial hard times, like my daughter Tawni...she feels that God has layed it upon their hearts to go to be missionaries...shine your light my friend but, REMEMBER this too...we are called to shine but, we can shine here in our homes and our city too! There are so many that need to 'see' and 'feel' the love from our lights! You go girl!!!! I loved this post.


thank you so much for taking time to read and comment! have a great day!