Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Pure Joy

Consider it PURE JOY my brother and sister when troubles come your way!  (James 1)

 I think when I find James in the Kingdom I might smack him for his pithy advice which always seems to come to mind right when I am struggling the most. Trials and Tribulations seem to be our theme song these days but yet, how Faithful and True is our Jehovah Jirah! He has supplied the things we need right as we need them. From food to fuel to fearless fabulous faith, our God is bringing it. AS HE does for all his beloved children.
our back yard taken from the deck this morning.

I am looking out my window this morning at the beautiful layers of snow on the ground and the mountain and enjoying the quiet. No cars bustling down the highway, no school bus horns or school bells at the high school next door to us. Just calm peaceful quiet outside as everyone is happy to be tucked into their warm homes for the day.

I feel the Holy Spirit speaking to me as I sit back in my chair and contemplate the snowy countryside. He tells me to rest in His Perfect Love and enjoy the same calm peaceful quiet inside my soul.

It's a beautiful day.

1 comment:

thank you so much for taking time to read and comment! have a great day!