Sunday, July 31, 2011


You know, there is a lot to be said for taking a little outing all by yourself. I decided to take this impulsive day trip, that was the first advantage. It was just me, myself and I, throwing things together and racing out the door. Deciding which route to take and where to park. Where to sit (or stand) on the ferry and for how long to linger in one spot. I could walk laps around the ferry as I so choose --I believe I actually 'walked' all the way to Friday Harbor!! =)

I was free to eat ice cream for lunch and where to sit and lick my cone. I walked to what intrigued me and rested when I was tired. I poked my head into numerous little shops and didn't have to worry about inconveniencing anyone by my dawdling. I didn't have to confer with anyone about where to eat and when or what and sitting by myself to enjoy my meal was a peaceful pleasant experience. In fact the whole day was like that.

Please don't get me wrong! I would have LOVED to have shared this day with my best best friend-- my husband-- but there was something so relaxing and wholesome about hermit-ting the day away. I needed it I guess.

1 comment:

thank you so much for taking time to read and comment! have a great day!