Thursday, July 21, 2011

I Can't Get No Satisfaction

My writing is not pleasing me. I want my blog to be significant. More than just a photo journal or what I did today, although those things are not out of line. But I also want to record deeper things, things that make us all think and that isn't happening all that much lately.

I want my stories, whatever short story I concoct, to bring pleasure. My words strung together like pearls on dross. That doesn't seem to be happening much either.

It's not writers block. I have ideas and thoughts and feelings bubbling up and over onto the page. I do not lack for words. It's just that my words are so many and the conveyance so vague. 

Yesterday I was driving to visit a friend and the little light came on on my dashboard that says 'low fuel' and as it did a light came on in my head reminding me that my car wasn't the only thing running on empty. When was the last time I sat in contemplative silence, read my bible, journaled and prayed, I wondered.

I got up before dawn on Sunday, our last day at the lake. I woke up around 4 and could not go back to sleep so I finally gave up, pushed off the covers and cast about for my flip-flops. I lit the gas stove and boiled water for a fine cup of pour over drip coffee. I took my coffee and a blanket and sat in my beach chair on a little sand dune, facing east and watched as the sun came up. And I was contemplative. I was prayerful. It was a holy moment and it carried me along all day. It was a fill up of premium gas in my spiritual tank.

But I am a gas hog when it comes to burning this kind of fuel. Sunday was a long time ago and this week of coming home and getting back into the groove has been difficult for some reason. And I have neglected my usual morning devotional time. No wonder my little tank is sputtering.

This morning I got up late and accepted the left over coffee in the pot that my husband made several hours ago. I was out of cream and the day was cold and wet looking. I sat in my living room chair and ignored the outside scenery because it was cold and wet looking. But I reached for my bible and flipped it open to read. I was only going to read one chapter but ended up reading several. I didn't journal but I did contemplate.

And now I sit here in my little library nook, wondering. The song "I can't get no satisfaction" is running through my mind and I am blogging hoping that pearls on dross will grace my page.


  1. Hi Songbyrd:) I was truly blessed by your comment from this morning. Your words were "pearls on dross" to me. Because I go through those same kind of days. I always do better when I've read or studied my Bible each day.....but sometimes circumstances make that impossible. God Bless you, honey, and keep on keepin' on!

  2. Your words have been an encouragement to me. Praying that you can have your quiet time with God each day so you can keep your fuel tank full.


thank you so much for taking time to read and comment! have a great day!