Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Addressing the New Year

The last couple of days Bruce and I have both been giving thought to 2011. It is, after all, just around the corner!  Not usually a resolution setter, I have been encouraged and even motivated this year to set some goals based on challenges from Dream School and at staff meetings.

I have divided my life into 5 areas: spiritual, physical, mental, relational and financial. I made a list in each of those area of things that I am choosing to focus on improving in the coming year. I also choose some standards to use as my measuring stick for how I'm doing in each area. I was very strategic in my plans, including how I will work to accomplish those goals. After all, I could say I want to lose 10 lbs (a common goal) but unless I have a plan (work out 3 x a week, follow a specific eating plan) it won't happen.

For spiritual Improvement, I looked at the 5 purposes from the Purpose Driven Life (Rick Warren) and did an assessment in each area to see where I could stand some extra work!

For example, the first purpose is Worship and I chose 3 things to focus on: making God my highest priority. Surrendering every area of my life to Him. And asking for my desire to spend time in His presence to increase. These will require commitment, surrender and asking.

The other purposes are: fellowship, discipleship, ministry and evangelism.  And each of those areas have specifics I will follow through on, again with the strategies for each one to make it happen. I found using the fruits of the spirit (love, joy, peace patience, kindness, goodness, gentleness,faithfulness, self control) to be applicable in each of these focus areas.  needless to say, i have my work cut out for me!!

Perhaps the biggest desire I have for myself in 2011 comes from the question posed at our last staff meeting: what will I believe God for in the coming year?
My answer is to see myself as God sees me. Not as others do. Not as I do. But to see myself through God's eyes. And He sees me as fearfully and wonderfully made. He see's me as a masterpiece, designed to do good works.  I KNOW this because I have been TOLD this but I really need to KNOW this in my inner most being. Know it, live it, celebrate it.

Yup, I have some pretty lofty goals for 2011. But.... I can do ALL THINGS through CHRIST who gives me STRENGTH!!  I think i am already of to a great start!

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