Tuesday, April 20, 2010

he meets our needs in ways we can't imagine!

Jesus, you do the most surprising things. I am so in awe and overwhelmed by your goodness and provisions. 

The other night Bruce sat down and wrote out a list of all the ways we could remember of how God has blessed us in the last several months. Now, I firmly believe He is always blessing us but sometimes the blessings are BIG and you really take notice. I think its good to keep a list because it is a reminder that he is with us even in the dark times. Oh, especially in the dark times.

from the funding to go on the trip, to the penny for our thoughts story, God has been looking out for us. During a time that feels tougher than any other time we've been in financially, we are finding more peace, more hope, more faith!

tomorrow morning we will pick up our latest blessing/gift that the Lord has provided and drive down to Seattle to visit our dear friends Terry and Alexandra. Terry had a kidney transplant a week ago Monday and is doing wonderfully. This is such a time of rejoicing and a miracle of God for how it all worked out. We look forward to the visit and celebrating with them God's goodness and grace.

We have pondered that this time has been a time to learn something and part of it has been learning to walk by faith. another part has been learning how to receive. I think some of us struggle with that more than others. especially if you have a heart that loves to give. but we need to learn how to receive and so that is what we are being taught right now. it is humbling and at the same time worth boasting about-- the way God gives and gives and gives....
reminds me of the old Gaither song "I'm gonna live the way he wants me to live, i'm gonna give, give,  till there's no more to give.  I'm gonna love, love till there's just no more love but i could never, never out love the Lord." 


  1. I am so happy for you both! Sometimes it is a good reminder that God works in the day to day things and small stuff but also in the big 'take notice, knock the socks off of ya' times too. I know that it is hard sometimes to accept gifts...Oh how I know this from personal experience... Just remember that when you accept the gift you are blessing the giver too! May God be glorified in it all!

    -blessings always-

  2. You both in the past 4 weeks have quickly become my favorites ( i should warn you ...i have a LOT of favorites) May the Lord bless you and Keep you your diet is going into a perfect storm, but it will be well!
    love dean


thank you so much for taking time to read and comment! have a great day!